Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 5 of 21 Day Fix

Today was day 5 of 21DF!  It was a good day! I got on the scale this morning and I've lost 0.6 lbs. Not bad for 4 days of the program. I'm just happy to see my weight going down. Cardio fix was a tough workout, I definitely worked up a good sweat. Those burpees and mountain climbers killed me! After I was done, I went to make my shakeology. I have been wanting to try the Thin Mint recipe that's been going around Pinterest and I thought I had all the ingredients. Turns out I  had coconut extract in my pantry not mint extract so I decided to improvise. Heres what I came up with!

Chocolate Cocobanana Shakeology 

1 packet of chocolate shakeology
12 oz of water
1/2 of a banana
A dash of vanilla extract
A dash of coconut extract
Fill the rest of the cup with ice and blend! 

I also made a very yummy breakfast burrito!  It contained:

1 red of egg whites
1/2 green of diced tomato
1/2 blue of shredded cheddar cheese 
1 light italian Flatout (worth 1 yellow) 

I sprinkled some lemon pepper Mrs. Dash on my eggs and ate it up!

I'd highly recommend either of these recipes. Very yummy, flavorful and full of nutrients. I love that shakeology is so versatile. You have the option to add in unlimited combinations of extracts and frozen fruit. Tomorrow I'm going to try a packet of Vegan Tropical Strawberry that my coach gave me, I've heard good things about this flavor and I'm excited to try it!

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