21 Day Fix

If you are like me, you may be feeling a little skeptical about ordering the 21 Day Fix. Before I ordered, I had seen the commercials, read some articles and watched some videos but I still wasn't really sure if it would work for me. Could I really manage to eat only what fit in those tiny containers? Could I actually workout every day? The answer is YES! Here is why I believe 21 Day Fix is a GREAT program:

  • It is based on CLEAN eating! This is a principle that not only everyone can follow but SHOULD follow! I'm telling you people, highly processed foods are KILLING us as a society!! Drop the junk and eat foods how they're meant to be eaten! 
  • The foods are easy to find and convenient. Prior to starting 21 Day Fix, I followed the Paleo diet. If you aren't familiar, the idea is basically no dairy, no soy, no legumes, no added sugar, no vegetable oils, no grains. While I felt great when I followed the diet to a "T", it was just way too hard to maintain. Have you ever tried to find lunch meat with no added sugar? It is no easy task, my friend! Eating out was also a nightmare. Even a salad at a restaurant was guaranteed to have something I wasn't supposed to be eating. This is not an issue with 21 Day Fix! You can find something on any menu that you can eat- there is room for every food on this plan. You just have to be careful about how much of it you eat, count your containers and you are good! 
  • It is not a fad diet, it is a way of living.  Clean eating and exercise is not something that is exclusive to 21 Day Fix. Once you finish the program, you can easily take the skills you've learned and turn them into lifelong habits.
  • The workouts are only 30 minutes. As Autumn says on the videos, you can do anything for 30 minutes and it's true! The workouts are challenging but if you just power through, before you know it, it's done. It's easy to fit into your day,  you don't have to drive to the gym or even wear matching socks. No one is watching, its just you and your TV. 
  • It's actually PLENTY of food! Now I'm the type of person who grew up on big, Italian-sized  portions so I mean when I say that I'm full on the 21 Day Fix meal plan. The containers looks small but you'd be surprised how much food actually fits in them. The vegetable, fruit and protein containers are quite large and you are allowed multiple of these containers. Most days I have a hard time finishing all my containers.

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