About Me

My name is Kara and I am a Registered Nurse and a Beachbody coach. I have always had a passion for helping people reach their health goals.

A bit of backgroud information...

I graduated 2 years ago with my Bachelor's degree in Nursing from a university I loved dearly. In college I became involved with a group called Peer Health Education (PHE), which is an organization that educates students on various topics such as alcohol, drugs, sexual health and overall health and wellness. During my time with the group, I was able to accomplish some amazing things. First, I became an e-board member and was able to run my own committee of members. With the help of these outstanding people, we were able to provide education to over 10,000 students each year. How AMAZING! I was able to come up with programs that are still running on campus today! I had the opportunity to travel to three national conferences and even presented at one my senior year. Lastly, I had the great opportunity to be a campaign intern with the BACCHUS network to develop national campaign that was distributed to hundreds of campuses across the country! PHE wasn't only my college job, it was my life and my passion. I miss it everyday.

When I graduated, I passed my boards and began working as an RN on a cardiac stepdown unit. I hated it. I felt like an admission/discharge machine, I had no time to spend with my patients and I felt like I wasn't using my brain. After putting in the minimum 6 months on the unit, I applied for a transfer to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) on night shift, which is where I'm working today. If you aren't familiar with what a CCU is, it is basically an intensive care unit for all things cardiac. I recover patients immediately after they roll out of the OR after open heart surgery, care for patients after they've had massive heart attacks and after cardiac arrest (when your heart stops). Let me be the first to tell you, my job is HARD. We battle the angel of death on the daily and many times our very best is not enough and our patients pass. It is not any easy job, it challenges me every day and I don't think I'll ever stop learning. 

You might be asking....Why do I need to know all of this and how does it relate to Beachbody?

Well let me tell you!

Remember that super stressful job I was telling you about? Well the stress combined with working night shift lead to a lot of unhealthy eating, a lot of sitting on my butt and NO exercise. One year later and BAM, I found myself 25 lbs heavier than I was when I started this job and walking up a flight of stairs seemed like a workout. Let me add in that I have struggled with my weight for my whole life. I've NEVER been a skinny person. So those extra 25 lbs went on top of the 20 extra lbs I already needed to loose. After noticing that my health was severely suffering, I knew I had to make a change. Enter in my Beachbody coach, Sara. Sara was my supervisor when I worked for PHE.(See, I told you it would all come together!) She was basically my mentor all through college. She supported me through thick and thin. Right before I decided I needed to make a change, Sara posted on social media that she was now a Beachbody coach. I was inspired by her success and decided to order 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. And that, Ladies and Gents, is how I ended up where I am today!

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