Wednesday, March 25, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved Pizza!

I have to share my yummy lunch!!

I took a light italian Flatout (one yellow), spread a red container of organic ricotta cheese on first, topped it with some tomato sauce, then one green full of diced tomatoes, frozen onion and frozen green pepper. I wasn't sure how long to really bake it for so I did 8 minutes at 350 F to start and ended up doing a total of 12 minutes. I cooked mine on our beloved pizza stone, but I'm sure a cookie sheet would do just fine. Next time I'll probably bake it for about 15 minutes to hopefully get it a little crispier. The picture was taken before I baked it, I was too excited to eat it when it came out, I forgot to take another! Haha. I had to eat it with a knife and fork but overall, It was really good! I love that 21 Day Fix gives you the flexibility to come up with concoctions like this and it still falls within the meal plan. When I was doing the Paleo diet, the Flatout and the ricotta would not have been allowed. You can see how no dairy and no grains does not allow for much flexibility.

In other news, I just finished up Dirty 30. Another great workout from Autumn! This one was heavy on the free weights and lunges. It wasn't the most challenging but I worked up a sweat. This week I've been following Kat the modifier for most things. My goal is that over time I'll build strength and follow the regular moves exclusively. I mixed up another shakeology after my workout. This one was 1 vanilla shakeo packet, 1/2 a banana, a dash of coconut extract, 2 tsp of almond butter, water and ice. Delish! 

Day 5 of 21 Day Fix

Today was day 5 of 21DF!  It was a good day! I got on the scale this morning and I've lost 0.6 lbs. Not bad for 4 days of the program. I'm just happy to see my weight going down. Cardio fix was a tough workout, I definitely worked up a good sweat. Those burpees and mountain climbers killed me! After I was done, I went to make my shakeology. I have been wanting to try the Thin Mint recipe that's been going around Pinterest and I thought I had all the ingredients. Turns out I  had coconut extract in my pantry not mint extract so I decided to improvise. Heres what I came up with!

Chocolate Cocobanana Shakeology 

1 packet of chocolate shakeology
12 oz of water
1/2 of a banana
A dash of vanilla extract
A dash of coconut extract
Fill the rest of the cup with ice and blend! 

I also made a very yummy breakfast burrito!  It contained:

1 red of egg whites
1/2 green of diced tomato
1/2 blue of shredded cheddar cheese 
1 light italian Flatout (worth 1 yellow) 

I sprinkled some lemon pepper Mrs. Dash on my eggs and ate it up!

I'd highly recommend either of these recipes. Very yummy, flavorful and full of nutrients. I love that shakeology is so versatile. You have the option to add in unlimited combinations of extracts and frozen fruit. Tomorrow I'm going to try a packet of Vegan Tropical Strawberry that my coach gave me, I've heard good things about this flavor and I'm excited to try it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Shakeology: My New Love!

I have to admit, I was very reluctant to dish out $130 for a bag of what I thought was just protein powder. I have known about shakeology for years now but it wasn't until my friend and now coach started using shakeology that I gave it any real thought. Working night shift, I always want to stop for a bagel or something similar for breakfast after I leave work. Looking back, I realize eating simple carbs right before bed was SO bad!! Not only was this an unhealthy habit, it was expensive. I spent $4-$7 every day on breakfast at fast food places. So, my thought originally was, if I can replace my fast food breakfast with shakeology every day, I'll probably spend the same, if not less, and it will be healthier. The first few days after I got my shakeology, I didn't pack any other food for lunch. I ended up drinking my shakeology around 3am because the "food" I got from our crapeteria at midnight didn't keep me full for long. By the time I left work at 8am, I was starting to get hungry again and still stopped for food. FAIL! At the time, I was mixing the powder with water and I thought it tasted decent. I also wasn't working out at the time.

Over the past week, I have been off work (perks of only working three 12 hour shifts a week) and I officially started following 21 Day Fix. I have discovered the magic that is blended shakeology!! Like I said, shakeology shaken with water is decent but shakeology blended with some frozen fruit is AMAZING! The first day, I made chocolate with frozen strawberries and OMG it was just like dessert! I seriously felt like I was cheating on the meal plan. I've also made vanilla with mixed berries and strawberry with mango, both of which were delish! Just like a smoothie you'd get from the mall but WAY healthier. Right now, I'm drinking my shakeology after my 21 Day Fix workouts. I'm kind of undecided as to if I'm going to keep doing it this way when I go back to work on Thursday or if I should revert back to the original plan of drinking after work. I'll probably do a mix of the two, but most importantly I'll be packing plenty of other healthy foods that will keep me satisfied all night. No more fast food for me!

I've found that pairing shakeology with the excellent nutrition I'm getting following the 21 Day Fix plan makes a huge difference! I feel completely satisfied, not hungry at all and little to no cravings for things like bagels and fast food- and that says a lot for me! I love love dessert and I usually I have to have something every day, whether it be cookies or ice cream, or I'll go crazy. On previous diets, I've always found loopholes to fit sweets into my diet. I'm proud to say I've been cheat free for the past 4 days (yay for small victories!). I did trade one of my yellows in today for 6 dark chocolate covered almonds, which is part of the plan. They were good, but I honestly feel like I could have skipped them and ate a more filling grain instead. What tasted really good was the 1/2 of a sweet potato I had! I really feel like it has to be the shakeology making the difference and squashing my cravings. Nothing else really explains it!

You can officially add me to the long list of people who love shakeology!

If you've been thinking about trying shakeology, I urge you to take the leap of faith and give it a try! There are sampler packs you can get but really, you're best off just ordering a full months supply. Beachbody has a bottom of the bag guarantee so if after 29 days you decide you actually hate it (which I'm pretty sure you wont!), you get your money back! What do you have to loose?? You can order directly through me and receive free coaching using the link below!