Monday, July 6, 2015

21 Day Fix Update & Shakeology French Toast

It's been quite a while since I've done a blog post. However, I just started a new round of 21 Day Fix so I thought I'd write a new post. Since March, I've completed 2 full rounds of 21 Day Fix. I lost about 6 lbs from that, 3 inches off my waist and many inches off various places on my body. I started to have some issues with my knees so I ordered Piyo and started doing that, along with other various workouts on Beachboy On Demand. I lost another 4-5 lbs from that, however I've been at a standstill for about a month now and I've gotten complacent. SO, I decided that needed to change! I started up a new round of 21 Day Fix and I have a new workout partner this time- my husband! We are both victims of post-marriage weight gain, so I'm happy to have him joining me this time around.

Tonight, I was thinking about what to make for my last meal. I had a protein, two carbs and half a fruit leftover so I figured it would be a great time to try out a recipe I came across- Protein French Toast! Here is my adaptation of the recipes (the original can be found here

Shakeology Protein French Toast 

(Please don't mind the bite out of it! Haha, I just couldn't wait!)


2 Slices of Whole Grain Bread
1 whole egg
3 tablespoons of egg whites 
1 tablespoon of organic powdered peanut butter
1/2 scoop of vanilla Shakeology 
1 large dash of cinnamon 
A little bit of water to thin it out 

Combine all the ingredients, excluding the water. Shakeology tends to thicken up easily, so add enough water to make it a batter-type consistency. Soak your bread, cook in a pan and eat it up!! 

You can top it with whatever you like- peanut butter, coconut butter or a little bit of pure maple syrup. I made a little compote out of blueberries, water and stevia. 

For 21 Day Fix, this counts as 2 yellows, 1 red and 1 tsp, plus whatever you put on top (1/2 a purple for me). 

The best part of this recipe is I ate it and now I'm very satisfied! I usually can eat many pieces of french toast and still feel hungry since its just carbs. The protein in this recipe really makes these filling. I will definitely be making again! 
